Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Is Martial Law

After the horrific Boston bombing Americans should be asking themselves, what is martial law?

After the initial bombing had happened, the search was on for the two islamic terrorist that caused terror in the streets of Boston. This search is the reason Americans should be asking what is martial law. The police had the run of the city. Searching houses and buildings without any resistance from the people. No on asked to see a warrant? The residents were told not to come to the windows, these same things were used in Nazi Germany to keep everyone quiet. So what is martial law? It is a police state enforced on its people by government. Learn what is martial law, and how to survive martial law in America. Checkout the link below.

Martial Law In America>> Home Survival Training

(Author Eric)
"Normal Americans are now just starting to wake up to the madness that is going on in America. the bottom up, top down and inside out method of oppression is well on its way. Why is this happening? To creat Martial Law in America."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to Save Gas Money – Save On Gas Eight Easy Ways

Over the past ten years, Americans have watched their gas money shrink year after year. The economy still not anywhere near being where it should be is making is more difficult  for more Americans to save on gas money. Here are eight ways to save on gas money. 
gas money

If you think you know every trick there is to saving gas money? Here are some strategies to save on gas that aren't common knowledge. (You will need Overdrive Cruise control Shaded parking spots and radial tires to save on gas.)

Step 1. Go on -- enjoy your air conditioner on the highway. Consumer Reports says that AC's gas-guzzling reputation is undeserved. And, at higher speeds, opening the windows or sunroof can hurt on gas miles by increasing drag.

Step 2. Don't fill up your tank until you're practically on empty; the less fuel you're toting, the lighter your car, and the more gas money you will save.

Step 3. After filling up your car, turn the nozzle upside down before you remove it from your tank. You'll get another half a cup of gas that's stuck in the hose that will save on gas money.

Step 4. Tighten your gas cap after filling up so you don't let any precious fuel evaporate. Try to park in the shade. This will also help save on gas by preventing evaporation.

Step 5. Put your car in overdrive for highway driving. It lowers your RPM, or revolutions per minute, which saves you gas money. Check your owner's manual for the recommended speed at which you may use overdrive. If you're due for new tires, get radials; they improve gas miles by two or three percent saving you gas money.

Step 6. Stay in one lane as much as possible; weaving uses up more gas money.

Step 7. Use cruise control when you're on a flat highway, where it can increase gas miles by 7%. But don't use it on uneven roads, where it's not efficient.

Step 8. Turn off all electronics and climate controls before you cut the engine. With the extras off, your engine won't have to strain so hard to restart, leading to better gas miles.

Did you know The Model T got 15 miles per gallon, just three mpg less than the average SUV.

Checkout Our Main Site At:

How To Curb - Symptoms Of Heat Stroke - For Your Pet

Summer time is here and that means much more time spent outside. This means it is important to keep tabs as it gets hotter outside be sure to watch for symptoms of heat stroke for your pet.

This is what I did with my golden retriever when she got older I actually shaved her down to make it look like she’s a labrador retriever during the summer months and I'm going to tell you what a huge difference that made. 
It’s essentially a matter of fact I don't think we realize it even though your pets fur is short he still feels a lot more heat than we do so should I also suggest for your pet to brush them a lot more.

(Pet Information – If for your pet your going to shave him or her then be sure for your pet safety  if your pet has fair skin that your pet can get a sunburn.)

Another big mistake people make in the summer time with their pets
is we exercise them just as much as we did in the winter time. They should exercise a little less or less running around.

(Pet information – Dogs don’t think about dehydration.)

For your pet safety if you are running or going on long walks in the heat to keep symptoms of heat stroke down carry water for your pet.
for your pet

Signs of heat stroke for your pet?
They will start to pant very heavily, then go into a shallow type of pant because your pet is literally getting dizzy and will hyperventilate until they just drop. Other symptoms of heat stroke for your pet is a lack of movement they will also seek out places where it's colder look for these kind of symptoms of heat stroke for your pet.

When you see symptoms of heat stroke for your pet don’t dowse him in cold water for your pet safety just simply wet a towel with cool water and soak the towel over the dog. If your pet is showing symptoms of heat stroke you can for your pet safety use that cool towel, put it on his face, chest, and groin to help speed up the cooling process.

We hope these couple of pet safety tips for your pet will help you protect your best friend from symptoms of heat stroke.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Camping With Kids – A Teaching Moment

Using camping games and fun outdoor activities to teach the importance of prepping and being self-reliant is a must in this new and treacherous country. Camping with kids is a must in emergency survival training.

camping with kids

As a prepper we understand the importance of practicing our emergency survival prepping routine. If you have kids or maybe a wife who just tolerates your prepping you know that getting them to participate in your emergency survival exercises and take it seriously is nearly impossible. That is why camping with kids is an important tradition to start with your family.

Camping with kids and your family allows you an opportunity to make your emergency survival exercises into fun outdoor activities that will transform a boring disaster survival exercise into fun outside games that will teach while also preparing them for an emergency survival situation.

Making emergency survival skill oriented camping games are pretty easy to put together. Here are a few great ideas for some fun outdoor activities that you can use when camping with kids:

Tip – Before you even get to your bug out location to go camping with kids you can start your emergency survival training have your kids start their camping games by having them pack their own bug out bags before they start their outside games.

Scavenger Hunt – a great outside games is a scavenger hunt in this version of the this camping games have the kids use a map and compass to find pre determined points that hold coordinates to the next clue.

I-Spy – In this version of the outside games I-Spy make a list of the plants and other helpful things around your campsite then have the kids find and identify them.

Map Making/Navigation – this fun outdoor activities you can do while camping with kids can also be combined with outside games like the scavenger hunt. Map making and navigation is a valuable skill.

Hide And Seek – This is a great outside games and is very useful in teaching how to use camouflage. A must in emergency survival training when camping with kids.

These are just a few of some of the fun outdoor activities that you can do while camping with kids. It is important to remember that teaching emergency survival skills while camping with kids is vital to the survival of your family.

Using camping games in a teaching manner while camping with kids is also a great way to keep wife interested in emergency survival training also. 

See More Great Emergency Survival Ideas and Techniques At 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Police State In America - Will They Declare Martial Law

Declared martial law has happened in pockets across the country over the past few years and  is the more likely scenarios that could lead to a police state in the United States. 

It’s possible that in the near future we could see more protests and riots like those organized by the Occupy Wall Street movement. Other widespread civil unrest could be caused by economic collapse, food supplies disrupted, out of control government, or super storms that leave masses of people without homes causing the government to declare martial law.

Peacful protests can turn violent because of outside agitators that flock to these events. These agitators want a police state in America and are the cause of much of the violence we see on TV at what would otherwise be peaceful protests.

When peacful people take to the streets to protest there is always the chance of violence breaking out and is the most straightforward to avoid.  In the past we have seen civil unrest in large or even medium sized cities but it has not spread to the suburbs. On a few occasions there may have been minor fights between picketers in small towns but nothing like we saw in Los Angeles and other inner cities that caused the police to crack down and attempt to enforce a police state.

Aviod getting swept up in any type of a police state?  First of all you should not live in a city unless it is absolutely necessary (cities are like a police state prison.)  We have discussed time and time again how dangerous cities are to be in when a delare martial law is in effect. They are unlivable without electricity, put you in close proximity to a large number of undesirable neighbors, and are practically impossible to evacuate. In an emergency, population density is your enemy.

Watch your local and national news. Declare martial law occurs most commonly from a planned protest that turns violent. If you hear there will be picketing, protests, or even a “peaceful march” in a particular location you should avoid those areas completely so you dont get caught up in a police state. If you were planning on going into the city for a business meeting simply reschedule it for another day or better location outside the city.  Simply staying away from locations that are likely to flare up with protests is not difficult. Avoiding a hurricane that’s bearing down on you is much tougher to do…

If for some reason you find yourself in a police state that is quickly becoming a hot spot you should leave the area immediately and by any means possible. If that means leaving a car behind and walking out to a safer spot then that may be the way to go. Don’t think that automobile glass offers you any kind of defense.  A tire iron or large rock makes quick work of it.

After widespread civil unrest a police state could be put into place. If that is the case I recommend using the plywood you should have stored in your garage and covering up any vulnerable windows. The use of firearms in a situation like declare martial law is something that needs to be carefully considered and researched before defending yourself in a police state. Every state has a different view of what constitutes shooting in self-defense.  Some states after they declare martial law could actually make you evacuate your residence.

So, while there are many emergency disaster scenarios that we can do very little to steer clear of civil unrest and a police state  is one situation that with good emergency survival situational awareness we can avoid a declare martial law altogether.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Emergency Survival - First Aid Kit Contents

Emergency survival first aid is the initial patient care assessment given to a sick or injured person.Disaster survival first aid consists of simple but and in many cases life-saving steps. 

You don’t have to be a medical professional to administer emergency survival first aid. However, first responders (I agree that you should have proper emergency first aid training, I dont agree with the term FIRST RESPONDER. If you are there first your the FIRST RESPONDER.) 

Here are some necessary first aid kit contents and techniques that everyone should know and have in their individual bug out bags.

How To Treat Burns :

1st and 2nd degree burns:

Apply wet cloth or pour cold water to relieve pain

Cover with dry, non-sticking sterile gauze

3rd degree burns:

Cover with dry, non-sticking, sterile dressing. A clean cloth is good enough in emergency situations.

Note; Chemical and electrical burns should be addressed differently. Moreover, the severity of the burn will determine what type emergency survival first aid it requires.

Liquid chemicals must be washed off while powder chemicals must be brushed off. Likewise, cut the garmetns off to prevent further the chemicals to come in contact with the skin.

How To Treat:

1. Remove jewelry or any clothing in the affected area.

2. Apply cold compress

3. Elevate the affected area

Note: The victim should not move the affected area. Also, putting pressure on the joint is not recommended.

High cut rubber shoes provide additional support so don't remove the shoes. It is always best to consult a physician for medical advice.

How To Treat:

1. Check for ABC (Airway, Breathing and Circulation) especially if the accident is severe

2. Cover the affected area with sterile dressing to prevent infections (especially if there is an open wound)

3. Immobilize the injured area using bandages or splints

Emergency Survival First Aid Kit Contents for Poisoning
Poisons are substances that when taken will cause injuries or death. Also, poisons come in solid, liquid or gaseous form. Likewise, the poison can be ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed by the skin. In addition, poisoning can be accidental or intentional.

How To Treat Poisoning:

Place the victim on his/her left side
identify the poison if possible
Collect vomit for analysis
Call emergency medical services.
Do not induce vomiting or give anything orally to the victim

Note; There are many types of poisonouis substances found in the house. Properly storing them reduces their risk.

Tip: Keep your cleaning products out of reach of children. Keep them on a top shelf in the garage. If you have to keep them under your sink or in a lower cabinet get a child proof lock and USE IT.

Poisons can be introduced into the system through absorption through the skin, Inhalation, ingestion or injection.

Emergency Survival First Aid Kit Contents for Bites and Stings
Tip: Make yourself familiar with the wild life in your area. Be sure to keep a benadryl pen in your emergency survival first aid contents.
Emergency Survival First aid for bee stings

carefully remove the stinger
wash the wound with clean water
put a clean dressing on the wound
apply cold compress
watch for signs of allergic reactions
Emergency Survival First aid of spider bite

clean the bite area
wash with water
apply cold compress
First aid for snake bites

wash and clean the wound
immobilize bitten part
position the part so it is not higher than the heart
Emergency Survival First aid for dog bite

Wash wound
Apply antibiotic ointment
Cover the wound with sterile dressing
Many factors affect the severity of the sting or bite. This includes the type of animal or insect the bit the person, the size and age of the victim and the number of times the person was bitten or stung just to name a few.
Emergency Survival First Aid Kit Contents for Cuts and Abrasions
For minor bleeding from cuts and abrasions

Stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure
Clean the wound using clean water to decrease the risk of infection
Apply antibiotic to further reduce the risk of infection
Cover the would with sterile gauze.
Putting direct pressure usually stops the bleeding. But depending on the depth and severity of the injury, the wound may not readily stop. As a first aid, covering the wound can help prevent exposure to the elements. However, once the wound heals, you can remove the dressing so it will heal faster.

For severe bleeding remember the 4 Cs:
Tip: In your own emergency survival first aid kit contests you should include maxi-pads. They work better than 4x4's and are alot cheaper.

Control bleeding
Cover the wound
Care for shock
Call a physician

It pays to know what to do when faced with an emergency survival situation. First aid can minimize complications from the sickness or injury and can even save lives. As such, it is essential for every household, office or work area to have people with emergency survival first aid training. Moreover, it is beneficial for everyone to know basic emergency survival first aid.

Checkout our other posts on emergency survival first aid at our main site HomeSurvivalTraining.Com