Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Is Martial Law

After the horrific Boston bombing Americans should be asking themselves, what is martial law?

After the initial bombing had happened, the search was on for the two islamic terrorist that caused terror in the streets of Boston. This search is the reason Americans should be asking what is martial law. The police had the run of the city. Searching houses and buildings without any resistance from the people. No on asked to see a warrant? The residents were told not to come to the windows, these same things were used in Nazi Germany to keep everyone quiet. So what is martial law? It is a police state enforced on its people by government. Learn what is martial law, and how to survive martial law in America. Checkout the link below.

Martial Law In America>> Home Survival Training

(Author Eric)
"Normal Americans are now just starting to wake up to the madness that is going on in America. the bottom up, top down and inside out method of oppression is well on its way. Why is this happening? To creat Martial Law in America."

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